Beseda s Kanaďankou

Beseda s Kanaďankou

V týdnu před jarními prázdninami se žáci dvou 8. tříd spojili v rámci online hodin s rodilou mluvčí Rebeccou Hume, která je z Kanady, ale žije v České republice. Rebecca ve své prezentaci ukázala žákům mnoho zajímavých míst, hovořila o jídle, historii a některých osobnostech Kanady.

Žáci potom pokládali Rebecce doplňující otázky k informacím o Kanadě, ale zajímalo je také, zda mluví česky, zda jí chutná české jídlo, či jak dlouho již v Praze žije. Žáci poté vyplnili dotazník k hodině, kde vzkázali Rebecce, jak se jim beseda líbila. 

1Julie I really loved it. I found so much new information and the presentation was very well done. Thank you for coming to our class!

2Patrik Thank you for your time and thank you for a very good presentation. It was nice to hear someone who is a native speaker. Good luck with visiting more countries!

3Dominika Hey Rebecca, I really appreciate the time that you took to tell us about Canada. I really liked it and I have learned some new things which is amazing. After the things that you told us about Canada, I felt like I really wanna go there someday.

4Klára Thank you for today´s presentation, I really liked it. I would like more such presentations.

5Natálie Thank you so much for the online class. I found it really interesting and I also understood all the English so it was the perfect level of English for me and I also get to know more things about Canada.

6Oliver It was a great presentation. I’d like to have another online lesson like this.

7Sára I´ve learned so much! I am really interested in Canada right now. Before this lesson, it was really just the maple leaf for me but now I can imagine Canada much better. Thank you, I really enjoyed it :)!

8Kristýna Thanks for your time. I learned so many new things. I really didn´t know that Hawaii pizza comes from Canada! It surprised me that you like dumplings with cabbage. I am glad you like the Czech Republic.:)